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Department of Thermal Sciences

New project funded by the Research Fund of the Department of Thermal Sciences

Date: 14.06.2023

Another project funded by the internal research fund of the Department of Thermal Sciences has been launched. The project, entitled "Studies of structures and parameters of two-phase flows using ultrasonic defectoscopy method." is carried out by Dr. Piotr Synowiec, Eng. and Dr. Piotr Piechota, Eng. of the Division of Energy Metering. Funds from the fund are intended for the purchase of materials and apparatus necessary to carry out the planned research work.

The main objective of the planned research is to study water-air two-phase flow structures. Two-phase flows are used in many engineering solutions and industrial processes. Due to the complexity of the phenomenon of fluid flow consisting of 2 phases, measurement of velocity and flow rate is a difficult task and basic measurement methods are not applicable in such cases. Measurement using ultrasonic technique is a method of determining the value of velocity and flow rate. Ultrasonic measurement by determining the parameters of the signal strength and its propoagation can provide information about the flow structure. The accumulation of such comprehensive flow information allows for better monitoring and management of the flow process and provides valuable knowledge to optimize the process and its engineering applications.

The research program includes conducting tests of flows with different percentages of the individual phases (water, air) at different flow rates. The research plan calls for testing over a wide range of Reynolds number variation. Measurements will be carried out for various constant values of flow velocity (in the range of 0.5 m/s - 2 m/s). The extended test stand for two-phase flows will allow air bubbles of different sizes and shapes to be introduced into the flow instillation.

Measurements carried out with ultrasonic heads placed in different planes, integrated with a defectoscope, will allow to determine the size of the air phase and calculate its propagation speed. Measurement characteristics will be plotted for the recorded measurement data. And the uncertainty for the measurements taken will also be determined.

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